Registered user since Sun 6 May 2018
Jidong Zhai is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University and a visiting assistant professor of Stanford University (2015-2016). His research is focusing on high performance computing, compiler optimization, performance analysis and optimization of large-scale parallel applications. His research received a Best Paper Finalist at SC’14. He is the advisor of Tsinghua student cluster team. The team led by him completed five champion titles at SC, ISC, and ASC. He served or is now serving TPC members or reviewers of SC, ICS, HPCA, ICPP, NAS, LCPC, ICA3PP, HPCC, IEEE TPDS, and IEEE TCC. He is a co-chair of ICPP PASA workshop 2015. He is a recipient of 2010 Siebel Scholar and CCF outstanding doctoral dissertation award.
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
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